
Say Goodbye to Sleepless Nights: Tips for a Restful Slumber Jun 28, 2023

Do you struggle to get a good night's sleep?

The frustration and exhaustion that come with restless nights can have a huge impact on your well-being. But fear not! In this blog, we'll delve into the common sleep disruptors and I'll share practical tips to help you achieve the restful sleep you...

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Postnatal wellbeing - how do I engage my CORE? Nov 28, 2022
This can feel like a bit of a challenge after your tummy has been stretched for 9 months, and the good news is, your core is probably working better than you think if you're able to stand, hold a baby, get out of bed and generally go about life.
But maybe you have a few symptoms - back...
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Five reasons Kegels aren't helping your pelvic floor Apr 21, 2022

Have you tried Kegels?  Those exercises where you squeeze 10 times..  Maybe a health practitioner has prescribed them to you?  Or maybe you didn't actually know they were called Kegels - the pelvic floor muscles exercises traditionally prescribed for women (and men) who suffer...

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FREE Guide to become Strong to the Core - are you in? Jan 17, 2022

I've worked with so many women from different walks of life that have hugely benefitted from my signature Strong to the Core programme, so I wanted to put together a FREE guide to help as many of you as possible to get started!

This is great for women who:

  • Have desk jobs, or spend hours in...
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Feeding the family - is it the hardest task of them al? Jan 11, 2022

Are you finding feeding your family a massive chore?

You are not alone!!!! So many of us finding it such a challenge to get the balance between providing healthy meals, having time to prep and brain-energy know what to make, and the constant grumble of ‘MORE SNACKS...

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Weight loss vs Fat loss and 3 of the best ways to start Jan 10, 2022

It's January.  Cue the influx on social media, advertising, TV, magazines - of weight loss magic.  So I'm putting this out there to help you stay balanced and hopefully avoid this year's newest fads (that don't have your long term health in mind!). 

Firstly, let's get clear on the...

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My Favourite Home Exercise Hacks that improve my life! Jan 07, 2022

We've been back at the beach this week for BeachClub (women only fitness, Southbourne Beach) - so I thought I'd share a few of my favourite hacks from BeachClub that are really easy to do at home.

One of my biggest tips for those who want to move more, or strengthen a certain area, but aren't...

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10 of the best WAYS to move your body - when your well being feels like it's bottom of the pile! Nov 05, 2021

Last time, I took a deep dive into 10 alternative reasons to move your body - asides from the usual...

So here's my top 10 WAYS to move your body (and make it work around busy life, low energy and low motivation...the times when your own well being feels like it's bottom...

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Give yourself 10 NEW & IMPROVED motivators to move more throughout your day! daily movement exercise long term health motivation Sep 30, 2021

As we move into Autumn, many of us are trying to reset our routine, including finding our rhythm with daily movement and exercise, so here is:

My Top 10 unexpected reasons to move your body!! 

I'd say 90% of people I've worked with over the past 20 yrs have had weight loss as at least...

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