£24.00 GBP

3 monthly payments

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Strong to the Core - 3 month payment plan

How would it feel to love and trust your body the way it deserves?

What you'll get:

  • A 6 week easy to follow training plan
  • Short video tutorials, 15 minute weekly classes and a back-library of lessons 
  • Education, support, exercise and lifestyle tips and advice to help you feel confident in your body
  • Community of amazing women working alongside in your goals
  • Access at your fingertips - app and web
  • Support from Sarah when you need it

If you want to learn how to connect with your pelvic floor muscles to reduce symptoms, or help overcoming chronic backpain or are looking for a movement programme for your postnatal or perimenopause journey, or you just need movement that feels right for your body, this course will really help you connect, reduce tension and feel more confident in moving your body.

 Please seek medical clearance before beginning any new exercise programme

What people are saying about Strong to the Core:

Thank you so much for everything you taught me about pelvic floor and core...I was feeling pretty disheartened after baby 2 but your classes have really helped me build up my core strength and general flexibility...I'm now back to exercising which is amazing!


Thank you for being more than just another plank to improve your core! I've loved this course...I feel stronger and sculpted after each session and my posture is a lot better
